Homily, 5th Lent – A Poem on Resurrection Awakening

April 2, 2017


Title: Move the stone away


 The death of a loved one

                        plunges us into sorrow.

            We feel impotent. No words can console.

We question hope.


With sorrow Jesus finds his friend Lazaro

                                    His grave is closed with a stone. A blockage.

                        Stone separates the living and dead

�Why did you not save him?�


Martha pleads, Jesus answers

                        �Did I not promise?

            You will see the power of God�

Her faith awakens.


Jesus calls out: �Take away the stone.�

                        and �he raises his eyes to heaven�

            faith in the mystery of death

stronger than stench and grief


�Lazarus, come out! Bound in wrappings;

                        signs of death

            Yet the dead man is alive.

The dead man is alive.


  What are the �stones� that block our faith?

                        How will our faith awake?

            Shall we �lift our eyes to God

when we encounter death?


4. This is the faith of we who trust Jesus

                        those we bury in death still live

            that resurrection not a distant future

living now, in the communion of the saints,

living now, as we celebrate the Eucharist.



rdueweke  (April 2, 2017)